Big New! The First Commercial Energy Storage Project Participates in Demand Side Response in China


During the Spring Festival this year, Narada Wuxi Singapore Smart Distribution Network Energy Storage Power Station participated in the electricity demand-side response in Jiangsu and completed its implementation successfully.


In the process of participating in the service, the power station has reduced the electricity demand of 20,000kw in the park but taken only 1 second. It is reported that this is the first time for such large-scale energy storage station involved in the demand side of the grid response.

From February 16 to 18, the State Grid Jiangsu Provincial Electric Power Company and the Provincial Economic and Information Commission jointly implemented the largest “Valley Filling” power demand response service in China.

The management committee of Wuxi Singapore Industrial Park cooperated with the 20MW energy storage power station and the users in the park actively participate in the electricity use during the low period, accumulatively “filled in” about 189,000 loads, of which about 90,000kw loads “filled” by energy storage.

The loads filled during the Spring Festival 2018 increased by about 85% compared with the same period in 2017, narrowing the peak and valley difference effectively and improving the security and stability of the power grid operation.

The power peak and valley difference of Jiangsu province was as high as 16 million kW, and the peak-to-valley difference rate was over 35%.

The energy storage power stations use electricity during peak hours and generate electricity during the peak period of electricity use. It can achieve the goal of “cutting peaks and filling valleys” to balance the production and consumption of electricity and enhance the adjustment ability of the power grid.

Based on 90,000kw loads which “filled” by energy storage involved in demand response, this demand-side response service cumulatively consumed 576,000 kWh of electricity, reduced the coal production of captive power plant 70.8 tons and cut CO2 emissions by 3.36 million tons, nitrogen oxides 236,000 tons.

The demand-side response will occupy a more important position as a flexible resource under the context of energy internet. With the electricity reform, energy storage will have more market space and achieve better development, once a mature spot market and ancillary services market is established.

The first-time charge `electricity demand side response successful completion of Narada Wuxi Singapore Smart Distribution Network Energy Storage Power Station provides an example for the electrochemical energy storage systems enter the electricity market, and its have great significance for the market incentive mechanism for power demand management and the peak-to-valley load-bearing two-way control system for demand-side response.


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